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God is crying out to all moms to come together and fight for this generation! He is asking us to lay aside the religion and traditions that have kept us divided, removed from one another, and UNITE for the sake of the children. We are raising the end-time generation, those that will usher in the return of our KING, and the enemy is working overtime to confuse and destroy the purpose and plan God has placed within them. So, we are standing in the gap, not just for our own children, but for an entire generation that is being unknowingly led to their own demise. His heart's desire is that believers  would come together and pray, in one accord, just as the disciples did in Acts 1:14  before the fire of the Holy Spirit fell upon each of them. He sent His Spirit then and He will again, the outpouring spoken of by the prophet Joel will fall upon this generation, and on this nation,  but it is waiting in the wings for our petition. This is the direction He has given, for his body to again come together before He pours out His Spirit upon the earth. 

We have included an outline according to His Word, and as ONE GLOBAL UNIT, in one accord, we will repent, pray, and seek His face (2 Chron. 7:14). We will stand boldly on the Word of God and appeal to Him to heal our land, to captivate the hearts and minds of our children, we will expect to see a turn around, and we will see the promised Great Awakening that leads to the greatest REVIVAL across the entire world! 

So we are asking moms everywhere to sign up as their commitment or pray every day for our country, our children, and the entire world.  

A Global Call

There is no distance in the spirit, so sign up to commit to pray in one accord with fellow moms across the globe!!

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