Repent- (2 Chron. 7:14) The church must seek repentance for complacency and pride, for allowing religion, doctrine, denomination, race, gender, culture, offenses and countless other reasons to divide us, for permitting His grace and forgiveness to become the fallback for unholiness, for our passivity as evil has reached this magnitude, and for failing to step out and boldly speak up for truth. We must seek His face together, in humility, it’s only then that God can heal our land.
First of All – We pray for Each Other and for Our Leaders (in this nation and abroad)(1 Tim. 2:1-3).
For God to continue to stir up hearts so “His will be done” across the entire world. (Ezra 1:1)
We pray that this generation will:
Truly know Jesus intimately (2 Pet. 3:9, Rom. 10:9, Phil. 3:10, 2 Pet. 3:18, John 17:3)
Seek godly wisdom. (James 1:5)
Boldly proclaim the truth. (Eph.6:19)
Hold steadfast to God’s plan, and resist evil agendas (James 4:7)
Be protected (Isaiah 4:10-12, Isaiah 54:17, 2 Thes. 3:3-4, Psalm 91:11)
Have the strength that only You can give. (Psalm 18:39)
Run and not grow weary, walk and not faint. (Isa. 40:30-31)
Trust You and have great peace. (Isa. 26:3)
We pray they will choose good company and maintain good character (1 Cor. 15:33-34)
Hunger and thirst after righteousness (Matt. 5:6)
Become secure in their true identity in Christ. (Gen 1:27, 2 Cor 5:17, Jer. 1:5)
Pursue the plans and purposes God has laid out for them. (Pro. 19:21, Her. 1:5, Eph. 2:10)
Submit to God and resist the enemy (James 4:7)
We pray for that moms within the Body of Christ will:
Unite and stand together. (Mark 3:25)
Lay aside all divisions that have separated us and come together, as one body, under Jesus as Lord. (Mark 9:38-40, Romans 12:4-5, 1 Cor. 1:10, Eph 4:3, Eph. 4:16)
Be revived according to the Word of God. (Psalm 119:25)
Boldly Proclaim the truth. (Eph. 6:19)
Never be ashamed, but bravely rise up within our own calling. (2 Tim. 1:8-9)
Be led by the Holy Spirit only. (Romans 8:14)
Speak life into our sons and daughters. (Pro. 18:21)
Be willing and obedient, having all of our needs met. (Isaiah 1:19, Phil. 4:19)
Be protected as we rise up in truth. (Isa. 4:10-12, Isa. 54:17, 2 Thess. 3:3-4, Psalm 91:11)
Know Him more and obey His voice only. (John 10:14-15, Eph. 1:17-20, John 8:47, John 10:27)
GO and speak His Word in the power and boldness of the Holy Spirit. (Luke 1:35, Mark 16:15, Eph. 6:19, Acts 4:31)
Do Greater Works and exploits as a testimony to the goodness of God. (Matt. 10:8, Matt. 5:16, John 14:12, Daniel 11:32)
We pray for discernment and wisdom during these times of great deception and disinformation. (Pro. 2:6, 1 John 4:1, Heb. 5:14, Romans 12:2, 1 Pet. 5:8)
We bind the enemy and every evil work he tries to bring against this generation, we bind confusion regarding gender and identity. (Matt. 18:18)
We pray for the fortitude to navigate these muddy waters of this Great Awakening, give us peace as false prophets are exposed among us, help us as our hearts are hurting. (Matt. 7:15, Matt. 24:24, Psalm 147:3, Rom. 15:13, 2 Cor. 1:3-4)
We pray for Pastors and Ministries around the world that are standing up for TRUTH, give them clear direction and wisdom. Bless them and keep them, shine your face upon them, give them favor and peace. Sustain them and meet their needs: may they look to You as their provider. (Numbers 6:24-26, Phil. 4:19, Eph. 4:11-12, 2 Tim 4:2, 1 Cor. 15:58)
We pray for protection for all military that are truly fighting for our freedom, protect and give them strength, bless them with peace, and train their hands for war. We pray for comfort for their families as they are separated, and may we each do our part to see the freedom many have fought for restored. (Josh. 1:9, Ps. 144:1, Ps. 29:11, Gal. 5:13)
We pray for our law enforcement across the entire nation, may they know that they are supported, needed, and appreciated. Bless and protect them as they uphold law and order; and may we again see respect and submission to authority in our society. (Matt. 5:9, Rom. 13:1, Ps. 91:4)
We pray for fairness in all elections and broadcasting, may all lies and deception be exposed. Bring people into office and position that truly seek Your wisdom and walk uprightly. (Eph. 5:13, 15, 1 Tim 6:10, Pro. 11:1)
We bind the spirit of fear that has captured our country and the entire world, and we cast it out in Jesus’ Name. We loose Your peace that passes all understanding (2 Tim. 1:7, 1 John 4:18, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 34:4)
We pray for all men's eyes to be opened, that they may know the freedom of truth and have a great awareness of hope. (John 8:32, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 1:18)
We pray every evil agenda will be exposed and brought to naught. We take authority over the enemy and his plans and purposes for our nation. (in the elections, in government, in all media outlets, and everywhere else). (Eph. 5:13, Deut. 28:7, Luke 10:19, Luke 9:1-2)
We pray for an end to abortion, and may the body of Christ rise up boldly against it. (Jer. 1:5, Psalm 139:13-16, Pro. 6:16-19)
We pray that all human trafficking is exposed, we pray for protection for our children as the intensity to steal their innocence and destroy their lives has escalated so far beyond what any of us were ever aware of .(Matt. 18:6, Ex. 21:16, 1 Tim. 1:10, Ps. 82:3)​
We pray for healing for those that have been used and abused, God, we pray that you will reveal your love and your goodness to those that are so desperate for both.
We pray swift justice for the wicked, those whose hearts are seared and unrepentant. (1 Tim. 4:2, Pro. 18:5, Deut. 16:20, Ps. 37:28)
We pray for an intensified understanding of Your character, your goodness, your justice, your healing, your provision, and the power that you give us through Your Spirit, that we may go forth and operate in it. (Ps. 118:1, Is. 1:19, Mark 16:18, Matt. 10:7-8, Ps. 30:2, 1 Pet. 2:24, Is. 61:8, 2 Pet. 3:18, Acts 4:31, Acts 1:8)
We pray for the countries that depend on America for help that have been deeply affected. Shape us up and position us quickly to again help those in need. (Deut. 15:11, Matt. 5:42, Matt. 25:35-40)
We pray Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth, we pray for Revival in this country, for You to pour out Your Spirit in this land and throughout the entire world, and that many will come to know Jesus Christ. (Matt. 6:10, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17, 2 Pet. 3:9)
We pray that You will send forth laborers that are ready and willing to tend the harvest at hand. (Matt. 9:38)
We pray for the restoration of America that it will again come back to its roots, the firm foundation that was laid for it so long ago.We pray that You will again be welcomed in families, in schools, in courtrooms, in sporting events, in decision making, and in every arena of life. We pray for preparedness as we enter this time of GREAT REVIVAL. Show each of us what you would have us do, lead us into our intended purpose. . IN JESUS’ NAME!!